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Heal with Love

I feel so much joy seeing others smile, shift from sadness to joy and freedom.

With Love, light and healing

Welcome to WellnessWithShermin

About Shermin Tizabi


Registered Nurse/Multiple specialties since 1996


Chi, Energy/Sub Conscious Clearing, healing and lifting. Reiki Master, Usui/Holy Fire® III Practitioner

International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT)

Thank you for visiting my site and looking at the current services provided. I was originally trained with a scientific background in nursing, and have been a nurse since 1996 with extensive training and multiple specialties. I truly love to combine both my medical and metaphysical based knowledge to create my love of healing in combining and balancing all four quadrants of the spirit, mind, body, and emotional aspects to create harmony and balance using various modalities in energy healing including Chi, Reiki, resonance balance, intuition & personal innate abilities.  Reiki training has been obtained through International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) which is one of the largest, most respected and professional Reiki organizations in the world.


A Journey towards Success.

I have been a healer my whole life. I connect to your spirit using my spirit/Chi.  is one of my callings and gifts to be able to share with others. I truly love to do what I do. The joy I am able to bring to others is beyond fulfilling. I have found that Reiki can assist with anything from helping you to experience a state of deep relaxation, releasing energy within the body that may be causing physical discomfort, or assisting to decrease the pain of mental/emotional distress. I use both Chi & Reiki as they can be very beneficial to help the body relax which gives the body the perfect environment to heal and come back into balance. Chi is extremely powerful and life changing in only the most positive ways. This can also open up your intuitive and creative abilities and can help to move physical and or emotional barriers that rob you of your peace and joy and so much more.


My Ultimate Aspiration 

WellnessWithShermin strives to provide energy and spiritual healing and clearing with alternative medicine, including Reiki and resonance modalities. I will use my medical and metaphysical knowledge to create harmony, balance, peace and shift within all that choose .


What Makes Me Different

I love to heal and it's one of my callings. I connect to your spirit. I am here to be of service and make an impact, specially during these times to help humanity. You will find I am a trustworthy, reliable, and credible and serving for the good of all. I have been a healer for over 23 years. I love to work with adults, kids, and animals all over the world. 

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